investment is the amount of money you want to invest.

current fiat value is the current value of the investment, which can vary depending on how much you have already invested.

current coin value is the current value of your cryptocurrency.

predicted coin value is your prognosis of the future value of the cryptocurrency.

predicted fiat value is the fiat value depending on your cryptocurrency prognosis and will be calculated based on your previous entries.

gain is your actual profit minus your investment.

cashout is the amount you should cash out depending on the settings of your cashout options.

after tax is the cashout minus the tax rate which can be set.

cashout options are your options on in which case you want to cashout from your gains.

minimum profit [EUR/USD] is the minimum gain you want to receive when cashing out. if the gain does not reach this amount, no cashout will be displayed.

minimum profit [%] sets the limit from what percentage your winnings are displayed. goes along with minimum profit in EUR/USD.

sell amount [%] defines the percentage that you want to sell of your gains as soon as the minimum profit is reached.

tax rate [%] is the tax rate you have to pay when cashing out. this one depends on the tax rules in your country and will reduce your cashout.

exchange rate [1 EUR=] is the rate of exchange that is used when using the EUR>USD button. the current value corresponds to the tether USDT rate.

example of using the cryptochecker

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